Buy and sell items in Peyia
Advertise here for free any unwanted/secondhand items that you would like to sell or buy in Peyia. For example: Household items/Bicycles/Garden furniture etc. Please include prices and photos, if possible.

For sale: Women’s occasion dress
1 replies
Recommended Tradesmen and Companies in Peyia
Find out which tradesman and companies people in Peyia are recommending. Find recommended builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more in Peyia.

Dog sitter
4 replies

Cat/House Sitter
5 replies
Utilities: Electric, gas and water recommendations and advice in Peyia
Find out more about what residents in Peyia have recommended for utilities such as electric, gas and water. Find recommendations and advice for making sure your property in Peyia is supplied by the best utility companies.

Email address for Peyia Water
9 replies

Water invoice online
1 replies
Jobs and careers in Peyia
Looking for a job and career in Peyia? Find job jacancies in Peyia such as chef jobs, retail jobs, bar work and much more!

Looking for a job: Cleaner housekeeper
7 replies

Looking for a job: House keeper
4 replies
Moving to Peyia: tips and advice
Are you looking to move to Peyia? Talk to residents about the best place to live, hints, tips, advice and much more.
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